May 29, 2024

Salem Employee-Owners Exercise their Collective Green Thumb

One of the perks of being an employee-owner is bringing your passions to the workplace. An example of this is the Owners' Garden located at our North Carolina office.

The Owner's Garden at Salem Fabrication Technologies Group

Established in 2020, the Owners' Garden plots are custom elevated beds inside twin 8ft x 8ft open-top enclosures and voluntarily tended by five creative people with a passion for gardening. Some have many years of experience, others are relatively new to the hobby. But they all have one thing in common: they love to watch stuff grow!

Man holding cucumbers in a garden.

Pictured above is one is these folks, Leonard “Leo” Hudgins, HHH Equipment Resources Field Service Technician/Employee-Owner, reaping some of the benefits of their time and attention!

As of this writing, the garden is producing 2 types of tomatoes, 2 types of peppers as well as lettuce, cucumber, basil and cilantro.

Sweet basil and Cubanelle sweet pepper plants.


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