185 x 25 x 115ah HPB PLUS Felt Polish Wheel with Ready-Mount, Spiral Synthetic

185 x 25 x 115ah HPB PLUS Felt Polish Wheel with Ready-Mount, Spiral Synthetic

Item #FPB7P


The FPB7P is a synthetic, spiral wound polishing wheel used to maximize polishing action.  Special construction techniques align the fibers into an optimum position to increase absorbency.  This fiber orientation facilitates quick and thorough “wetting” to ensure high-performance polishing even with low polish flow rates.  The HP Plus line is treated with a proprietary polishing enhancer to allow it to polish at lower pressures extending wheel life and minimizing spindle wear.

PLEASE NOTE: This wheel is equipped with Salem's Ready-Mount system that eliminates the need for gluing felt wheels to the hubs.


HPB PLUS brand is exclusive to Salem Fabrication Supplies.


Why Shop Salem?

Optimum polishing results can be achieved using cerium oxide slurries and felts or composition wheels.   Salem offers the best of both worlds with a great selection of cerium oxide and multiple types of felt wheels in sizes that fit the most common machines in the market.

For almost 100 years, Salem Fabrication Supplies has become a trusted source for tooling and supplies serving the glass, stone, ophthalmic/optical/vision and precision surfacing industries.  Our focus is squarely on meeting customer needs with industry expertise, quality products and knowledgeable service.  When you choose Salem, you're tapping into nearly a century of reliability and experience.  Shop with confidence at Salem Fabrication Supplies.


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Item #FPB7P, 185 x 25 x 115ah HPB PLUS Felt Polish Wheel with Ready-Mount, Spiral Synthetic
Diameter: 185mm
Thickness: 25mm
Arbor Hole: 115mm